Episode 2: Loads of Laundry
Question: What is the trick to keeping up with laundry for a family of 5?
Answer: There is no trick because it is absolutely impossible. (unless you know some kind of secret….. TELL ME!!!!)
Now that I am a SAHM I often ask myself, how in the world did I keep up with this while working full time???? Like really how did I? Well, I probably didn’t. But I am shocked that my kids had clean uniforms to wear daily.
I keep telling myself that I will just make sure my kids have less clothes, then that would mean less dirty clothes, right? But then I get them more clothes so I don’t have to make sure to do laundry everyday. I am my own worst enemy. But maybe its my daughters fault too? She changes clothes 17 times day on the weekend. It drives me nuts, but I clearly haven’t stopped her.
Side note: My laundry room dream is to have a giant folding table where I can put allllllll the clothes so my sofa doesn’t have to take on the job. Also a family closet…. then I don’t have to run all over the house to put all the things away. But I don’t really know how that would work. Anyone here have a family closet?
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