Minivan Messes

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Ducked Off: Business and Blog Neglect

Y’all remember that one time that I decided I was going to write a blog, have a baby, start a business, raise four kids, and keep it all running?

That time never actually happened. To make things work, I can’t give everything 100%. So I choose wisely…….and pick what MOST mothers would, raising my four kids. Now don’t get me wrong, I can’t give my kids 100% all the time either. It’s more like a solid 87% about 60% of the time. The other 40% of time with my kids, ranges anywhere between like -456% and 99.9%. And to be completely honest, that actually fluctuates by the minute. {see: rollercoaster} Ya know, I like to keep everyone on their toes, what kind of mom and wife will they have today? It seems I am either waking up hours before them to make waffles in whatever shape corresponds to the current holiday or season; or I am in bed at 9am with all the kids sitting next to me, trying to figure how long they will all watch Blipping and chill out, giving me more time to at least keep my eyes shut.

My wonderful little earring business has been at a complete standstill all summer. I am not complaining about “not having business”, but it is frustrating to not be able to put as much effort, time, and attention into something I was so excited to do. I am hoping when things settle down in my life (maybe around the year 2035), my family and myself will get back into a routine that allows me to sneak in an hour or so working on Hand-picked Happy. I am really looking forward to the fall season and going to some awesome fairs, craft shows, or pop-up events. I can’t wait to bring out all of the spooky, thankful, jolly earrings I have for the upcoming season.

I’ve realized too that I miss writing in this blog regularly for a million reasons. Mostly because it is therapeutic and I have been using it as a personal journal, that I end up sharing with anyone who is willing to read it. I forgot how calming it is to be able to release all of my thoughts and ideas from being stuck inside my head, multiplying. There is so much that I want to share, that I have to share, but time has not been on my side. As I sit and write this now, my plate is full, which in all honesty, makes my heart incredibly happy, because it is full will taking care of and loving on all of the people who matter most to me.

One day I will look back on this time in my life and miss the crazy, the chaos, the running around, and all of the appointments. And maybe when that day comes, I will be posting blogs more than once a month, or shipping all the earrings out from the steady stream of purchased on my website. Who knows?

I may not be consistent, but the intention is there.

Thanks for sticking around when I can’t give this blog the attention I would like.